In My Garden-Hollyhocks-

I always grow hollyhocks in my garden for their ornamental value. Hollyhock is a garden plant famous for its beautiful, vividly-colored, ruffly flowers.

I always grow hollyhocks in my garden for their ornamental value. Hollyhock is a garden plant famous for its beautiful, vividly-colored, ruffly flowers. Hollyhocks are in the mallow family, the same family as hibiscus. Hollyhocks are biennials or short-lived perennials. Biennial means that the plant requires two years to complete it life cycle. During the first year, hollyhocks grow a root system and a rosette of leaves. The second year, their flowering stems emerge, and they bloom.

Watch In My Garden " Hollyhocks " Video

Hollyhocks bloom continuously for several weeks during midsummer and may bloom into the fall. By removing the faded blooms from the stalk, you can force the plant to continue producing new blooms.


My Name Is Chokri I am From TUNISIA *I like Organic Gardening* Whether you’re a beginner or an old hand, planting in a pot or a plot, I will help you to understand and learn how to start, plant and grow your tastiest organic vegetables, beautiful flowers, and much more!

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