Propagate Strawberries from Runners

Growing strawberry plants from a runner is the easiest and quickest way to propagate strawberries plants

Growing strawberry plants from a runner is the easiest and quickest way to propagate strawberries plants. Most of the strawberry varieties produce runners. These runners are stolons. These horizontal stems are sent outward from the base of the strawberry plants, and new strawberry plants will form at the end, wherever these runners touch the soil, they will continue to grow into that soil and establish a new clone plant that genetically identical to the plant that originally sent forth the runner.

Most of strawberry varieties produce runners. These runners are stolons. These horizontal stems are sent outward from the base of the strawberry plants, and new strawberry plants will form at the end.

 It’s the perfect time to raise some new strawberry plants from their runners, these long stems emerging from the main plant.

How to Propagate Strawberries From Runners

Choose a healthy runner which has produced one or more leaves
  • Choose a healthy runner which has produced one or more leaves,
  • Remove any stems emerging from the new leaves, while keeping it still attached to the parent plant.
  • Fill small pots with multipurpose compost. 
  • Place the strawberry runner on the surface and hold it in place using a piece of wire, and water.
Place the strawberry runner on the surface and hold it in place using a piece of wire.

Once the new plant is well-rooted and established, you can separate the plant from the mother strawberry plant by snipping the runner. If it has been established for a while, the runners will eventually shrivel and snap on their own.

Sometimes you can find a smaller strawberry plant with roots in the ground that is still attached to its mother plant, you can pull it up gently, and plant it in a small pot filled with soil and water it soon this this will be a new strawberry plant

Sometimes you can find a smaller strawberry plant with roots in the ground that is still attached to its mother plant, you can pull it up gently, and plant it in a small pot filled with soil and water it soon this will be a new strawberry plant. While the new plants develops their own roots. Always make sure that soil is kept moist in the pots. Do not over water as this causes the roots to rot and try not to get water on the leaves of the plants. This can cause a fungal disease on the leaves. Rather, water at the base of your plants.

Now have many strawberry plants that you can use to start a new strawberry bed, or offer to you family and friends!

Now you have many strawberry plants that you can use to start a new strawberry bed, or offer to your family and friends!

Strawberry propagation by runner is usually the easiest and most successful means of acquiring new plants from existing ones. So grow strawberry and enjoy propagating and having many plants for free!

Watch: Propagate Strwberries From runners Video

Happy Organic Gardening
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