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Companion Planting

Companion planting is a vital part of organic gardening. Companion plants can improve the growth of plants by attracting beneficial insects, providing nutrients, shade, support, and repel insects and diseases.

Companion planting is a vital part of organic gardening. Companion plants can improve the growth of plants by attracting beneficial insects, providing nutrients, shade, support, and repel insects and diseases. There are many benefits of companion planting. Some types of companion planting can reduce disease pressure in the garden. In addition, some plant combinations can improve the soil fertility and structure, enhance pollination, and much more. In the following article, I will give you some insight into plants that grow well together. 

Companion Planting

Companion planting is the planting of different plants in proximity for many reasons, including pest control, pollination, providing habitat for beneficial insects, and by creating the perfect growing environment for our favorite plants, we ensure that our plants thrives in a good, and healthy environment so they grow well.


Companion planting is the planting of different plants in proximity for many reasons, including pest control, pollination, providing habitat for beneficial insects, and by creating the perfect growing environment for our favorite plants, we ensure that our plants thrives in good, and healthy environment so they grow well.
Planting marigold companion plants is a must grow for serious gardeners. As he benefits are numerous.
. Marigold companion planting enhances the growth of basil, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, gourds, kale, potatoes, squash and tomatoe.
. Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to plants. With their strong repulsive odor marigolds are quite significant at keeping tomato worms away. . This aromatic plant can help repel root-knot nematodes, microscopic worms that live in the soil and can damage vegetable and fruit plants. 
Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to tomato plants. With their strong repulsive odor marigolds are quite significant at keeping tomato worms away. This aromatic plant can help repel root-knot nematodes, microscopic worms that live in the soil and can damage vegetable and fruit plants.
. The roots of marigold produce secretions that contain flavonoids, amines, amides, phenols and ketones that have insecticidal and nematicidal effects.

These are The Best Companion Plants for Marigolds

.  Basil
.  Cucumber
.  Eggplant
.  Melons
.  Squash
.  Tomatoes
.  Sweet Corn
.  Beans
.  Cabbage

BasilThere are many benefits of companion planting. Some types of companion planting can reduce disease pressure in the garden. In addition, some plant combinations can improve the soil fertility and structure, enhance pollination, and much more.

Growing basil and tomatoes together in your vegetable garden make sense, as they’re truly a perfect pairing. Basil is a favorable aromatic plant to grow near tomatoes and purportedly increases not only the vigor of the tomatoes, but their flavor as well.


Calendula officinalis also known as pot marigold, repels whitefly from tomato plants, and it also attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.

Growing calendula among cabbage can result in fewer problems with aphids, cabbageworms, and diamondback moths.

. Repels white fly from tomato plants.

. Attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.

You can Interplant Calendula With:

. Potatoes
. Tomatoes
. Cucumbers
. Strawberries
. Peas
. Carrots
. Asparagus
. Squash
. Melons
. Corn
. Basil
. Salad greens
. Peppers
. Cabbage


Oregano is one of the best companion plants for the garden, with its strong scent helping to keep pests away from other plants. Oregano is a great companion planted alongside

Oregano is one of the best companion plants for the garden, with its strong scent helping to keep pests away from other plants.

Oregano's antiseptic and antifungal properties make it a great companion planted alongside: 

. Beans
. Cabbage
. Cauliflower
. Capsicum
. Sprouts
. Strawberries
. Tomatoes 
. Cucumbers
. Squash
. Pumpkins


Gardeners have long used chamomile as a companion plant to fruit trees, and Vegetable. Companion planting chamomile with tomatoes, improves the health and flavour of your tomatoes, and deter pests too.
Chamomile is an Excellent Companion Plant, that  have a powerful pest-control properties. This aromatic herb improves the growth and flavor of many plants. Gardeners have long used chamomile as a companion plant to fruit trees, and vegetable. Companion planting chamomile with tomatoes, improves the health and flavor of your tomatoes, and deter pests too.

Chamomile Plant Companions

. Cabbage
. Onions
. Beans
. Cucumbers
. Broccoli
. Kale
. Brussels sprouts
. Cauliflower


Borage is an excellent companion plant. This plant will attract bees as well as other beneficial bugs, and provides a valuable source of nectar for them. As gardeners we know how much important pollinators are to our garden.

Growing borage (Borago officinalis) is so easy, and it is a powerful herb for healing and companion planting. Not only is borage a beautiful addition to your garden, it has many benefits too. Borage is an excellent companion plant. This plant will attract bees as well as other beneficial bugs, and provides a valuable source of nectar for them. As gardeners, we know how many important pollinators are to our garden. Borage is also known to repel tomato worms and cabbage moths as well, and when planted near your squash it can improve their flavor. Borage has a strong fragrance and repels most insects that might eat it. This aromatic plant is also rich in nutrients like calcium and potassium, that's why borage is so useful and a must-have plant in our gardens for all its benefits.

Plants that grow well with borage include:

. Tomatoes
. Cabbage
. Squash
. Strawberries


Garlic is a natural deterrent to common garden pests, thanks to the sulphur it accumulates in the garlic bulb, which acts as a fungicide and deters pests such as aphids.

Garlic is a natural deterrent to common garden pests, thanks to the sulphur it accumulates in the garlic bulb, which acts as a fungicide and deters pests such as aphids. 

Here are the main roles of garlic as companion planting:

. The pungent aroma can repel many insect pests.
. The sulfur in the bulb is known to repel many types of soil-borne fungi.
. Garlic is known to repel common cabbage pests such as cabbage loopers, diamondback moths, and cabbage moths and worms.
. Growing tomato plants next to garlic repels spider mites.
As garlic takes up little space in the garden, and can grow in most conditions, as long as it has 8 hours of full sun. As a result, garlic will thrive near plenty of other plants that may have more specific growing needs and can benefit from its proximity.

These Are Plants That Can Grow Well With Garlic, and The List is Long!

. Eggplants
. Spinach
. Cabbage
. Dill 
. Beets 
. Kale
. Carrots 
. Peppers
. Cauliflower 
. Broccoli 
. Kohlrabi
. Tomatoes 
. Potatoes

Watch Companion Planting With Basil Video
Companion planting is a great low maintenance, low impact way to improve the health and flavor of your Organic Vegetables. So consider each of these benefits as you plan your Organic Garden!

Happy Organic Gardening!

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  1. This is a very comprehensive list of companion planting. Thank you. I am a newbie and having all these tips helps boost my confidence.


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